Monday, April 25, 2011

Fibro Fumbles

Yep...I still thought of another "F" word this morning for you faithful followers ...I am just about running out though, so may have to resort to another letter pretty soon! There are so many ways I have Fibro Fumbles....What exactly is a "fumble" you may ask? In my is when you trip....for no apparent reason! It is when you drop something ....for no apparent reason! It is when you fall into the wall or fall into another person you are walking past...that is embarrassing! Oh yeah...almost forgot about the mouth kind of fumbles that can be ever so embarrassing!! The words won't come out right or the wrong words come out.....oops!!...  Didn't quite mean for it to sound like that...but it is usually too late to retract the words and your listeners not only are shocked but do not understand it is all a part of your problem!! Strangers really don't have a clue what is going on with you...I say right now to all my closest friends and family members....beware....I am trying to be careful with what comes out of this fumbling mouth but sometimes it just comes out too fast and the words are mixed up...and the funny thing is like two seconds later I already have thought of a much better way that I could have "said" such a thing! Be careful today with your  "Fibro Fumbling"!! Try not to drop anything and break it.....try not to trip over your own two feet and break a bone or something....and try not to get your foot in your mouth .....have a great day!!