Monday, May 9, 2011

Fibro Fact

*Eliminating As Much Stress As Possible Helps Relieve Symptoms*

I will have to say...this is the absolute truth! I have definitely had a ton of stress factors involved in my life which have contributed to my health issues for sure. Some of our stress we can actually help to reduce if we work at it. It isn't always easy to eliminate it all, but even getting rid of a little bit of it helps! Sometimes it means not being around people who constantly bug us or irritate the daylights out of us. We all have know what I mean! Sometimes, it is as simple as organizing some things around the house so there is not quite so much clutter to deal with. Then there are a few other simple things we can all do, like go to bed at the same time every night... get up at the same time every day... take a nap at the same time each day... find time to do at least one thing every day that you thoroughly enjoy...listen to your favorite music... and most of all quit worrying!! I have learned I cannot control everything!! Big newsflash right? I am the queen of control freaks! I have had to learn to just sit back a bit and relax and not get so bent out of shape when things don't go MY way. I have and still am learning, the importance of prayer in my life. I pretty much have to pray my way through the day... and maybe this is where God wants me....totally depending upon Him; for without Him ....I am a mess...and that is when I begin to Stress!