Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sleeping With Sarcoidosis

I wonder if anyone else with Sarcoidosis has been having the sleep issues that I have been having. They must since it seems they all talk about chronic fatigue...pretty much I believe the chronic fatigue comes into play because of the fact that I don't ever get a full night's rest. Usually I have no problem falling asleep but within a couple of hours I am wide awake with night sweats, and usually some kind of horrible pain going on. Sometimes all of my joints and bones... sometimes everything... sometimes the headache! Usually I end up taking a second round of pain meds in the middle of the night to make it through the second half. I toss and turn and catch a few winks in between and then around 5:30 or 6 my cute little dog decides it is time to get up! If I happen to just lay there and try to rest then she will search the floor for a sock to dangle in my face. So, in order to avoid that nastiness I usually get up at her prompting. I am OK throughout the morning after my extra strong coffee to get me pumped but about 2 every afternoon I have the worst case of fatigue ever. I don't dare take a nap or I know I won't get to sleep at all at night so I just fight it .  I sure wish there was a magic pill that would help me just get the rest I need. In between these few hours of coffee drinking and onset of major fatigue.... is when I have to try to get something accomplished even when my body is telling me to forget it! It takes a lot of "get up and go" to do this when you feel like this every single day! Hats off to all of my other friends with this awful chronic illness that makes you feel terrible...and to all of my friends who have another disease and keep on keeping on day after day in spite of it! Here's to a good night's sleep!