Monday, August 8, 2011

Symptom By Symptom

How to deal with a Chronic illness.... symptom by symptom.... one by one! Sometimes the symptoms come faster than one at a time though... and you have to think fast and be resourceful. If you haven't guessed by now, this illness I have  has no cure.... just maybe some remedies that may help reduce the symptoms here and there but no cure! Right now I am dealing with my lung, liver, and kidney. Hopefully these issues will subside once I begin the treatment with whatever my doc decides upon at my next visit... either Prednisone or Methotrexate... or whatever? If you have any kind of chronic illness then you also know that each new day may present itself with a different challenge for you. All you can really do in each case is treat the symptom at hand and try to stay as positive as possible. I already have accepted the facts that this is not going away and that it is progressive in nature. All anyone has is one day at a time.... so as each new day approaches and with it a few more unwanted symptoms... I will deal with them , symptom by by one.