Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fibro Fluorescents

I noticed for years well before I was ever diagnosed with Fibro that walking around in a large shopping mall or a store where there are bright fluorescent lighting bothered me. I always seem to end up with a headache and feel a bit dizzy and really start feeling like I need to get out of there. Then I read somewhere that fluorescent lights actually do affect people with fibromyalgia in a negative way. The push is on to replace light bulbs in our homes with these energy efficient bulbs but even these can cause problems for people who have fibromyalgia. Natural sunlight coming through my windows is my solution during the daytime and I really try hard not to be under any fluorescent lighting for any length of time. If you haven't replaced your light bulbs in your home to the energy efficient fluorescent ones....I would say, don't. We did, however I am planning on going back to having regular light bulbs. I would rather pay more on my electric bill than feel dizzy and have frequent headaches.