Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sarcoidosis Scratching

A new symptom seems to have risen... a very lovely one at that... full body itching. No rash,  no bumps, no bites, no hives... just prickly- feeling itchiness! Ahhhhhhhh....very annoying.... it does not make for a good night's sleep. I couldn't even sit through a movie last night but had to interrupt it for a shower to see if that would maybe help me stop itching! Then I decided to take some benedryl along with my normal night pills in hopes that this would at least help me sleep but my spouse decided he was going to stay up and watch TV loudly until 4 am and the pills just somehow did not drown that out. So today here I am once again wondering why I am feeling this prickly itchiness all over...wanting to get up and get out to church but not daring to since I don't want to look like a monkey scratching myself! I got curious once again to see if anyone else with Sarcoidosis had itching, so I looked it up  and found out that many do and many have it also with liver enlargement, which I also have ... so I guess it is par for the course and I will just have to cope and not go crazy!!