Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fibro Feet!

Ouch!! The last few days have been a bit on the painful side in regards to my FEET. I don't usually have too much pain in my feet and ankles but for some reason the past week or so my feet, ankles, legs have been so swollen and achy. I have been thinking it might be from my kidneys and even mentioned it to one of my many doctors one day but it was dismissed of course ,as just another of my many complaints. On Friday I went to another Dr. and I decided to not even mention it, and wouldn't you know it? This Dr. actually noticed that my feet and ankles were swollen; so ordered blood tests to check my kidneys! Impressive...Very Impressive! Anyway...so here I am this morning trying to keep my ankles elevated and regretting that I will have to wear those tight nasty support stockings on this humid day, in order to keep the fluid retention down! OK...sorry for complaining at you all... You all probably feel a lot worse than I do so, I apologize. I am supposed to be cheering you up! Just being honest here....after all it is MY blog and on MY blog I get to say what I want.....right? I have that privilege! I figure if people don't like what I have to say .....well then....they can just choose to not read it right? But you know what they do? They keep reading it to see if you are gonna say something else that is gonna make them mad! Funny! Anyway.... I hope your feet feel better than mine today.... and maybe you have "Happy Feet" instead of Fibro Feet.