Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fibro Feuds

Pick your battles wisely...heard this before? Well if you have Fibro then you know that your energy level is low like mine. You definitely do not have the energy required to be fighting battles that don't matter. I am learning this slowly but it is important! Why waste what energy you do have on things that really don't matter? Let other people fight those battles....use your energy for things that make you better not bitter. People with Fibromyalgia for some unknown reason tend to be very sensitive and emotional... I know for a fact this has always been true of me. I do get my feelings hurt easily and get in a tizzy over things that maybe someone else would just shrug off as trivial. I am on purpose making myself ignore things that would usually make me upset and on the defensive....because when it comes down to it.... I just am too tired to argue with you! I would rather spend my day thinking on good positive things that make me smile. So I guess if you have irritating people in your "Fibro life" .....maybe you need to just try and block  out their negative energy. I remember each day that "the joy of the Lord is my strength." So let the mess flow past you and enjoy your don't have the energy to waste on people who bring you down!