Friday, June 3, 2011

Fibro Fretting

Here I am back again with another phone call from my doctor. I always hate getting those! They never seem to bring me good news these days. Now it seems my kidney function tests have shown that I have renal insufficiency! How nice. Well at least I now know that the pain in my back is really not in my head...ha ha! No wonder my legs and ankles are swollen! Drink more water...hmmm been doing that already. Oh well. I wonder what body function is going to poop out on me next and which specialist is going to be the one to point it out! I go to yet another specialist on Monday who has many more tests scheduled for me. I sure hope they are worth my time and the gas it takes to get there! Answers would be nice at this point. So far all I know for sure is that I definitely have Fibromyalgia, lung nodules,fifteen enlarged lymph nodes,possible Sarcoidosis, and Renal Insufficiency......hmmm. Just doing some "Fibro Fretting" here....some of you have worse than I should not even whine! Just  praying for my group of doctors to get it together and have the wisdom to figure this thing out before I croak! After all, I would like to have the privilege of knowing what disease I have been suffering from...why should everyone else get to know that after I am gone?? You would think with all of the medical technology and advances they would be able to get to the bottom of this a little quicker....oh well...sorry for fretting...maybe sometimes you feel like fretting too....maybe all of us with chronic illnesses do it once in forgive me today.