Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fibro Fakers

Fibro Fakers....yeah there are plenty of and I have both met them, but the truth of the matter is....Fibromyalgia is very REAL!! Look at this chart ....if you experience most of these symptoms then you can probably say that you have Fibro however I have come across a few people who when I mentioned Fibromyalgia... they quickly say...."oh yeah... I have that too. " But then when you start to compare notes they really don't fit the classic symptoms, so you have to wonder....are they for real, or just a Fibro Fake? I think that some people just say they have Fibromyalgia without getting a doctor's diagnosis. I know it is difficult to find such a doctor took me several years to finally get the right combination of doctors, but it is important. Anyway if you just think you may have Fibro ....check your symptoms with this chart and go see a doctor who knows about Fibromyalgia. My neurologist was the best informed on this, so I recommend you see one. Make sure you have other medical tests done as well because fibro symptoms can be very similar to other disease symptoms that can  go overlooked if you just get a diagnosis of fibro right away.