Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sleep MY Pretty!

Awww.. Nothing like sleep! The past few days I have been so wiped out and this prednisone is really adding a new dimension to my many symptoms. It is usually not in the cards for me to lay down and take a nap in the day time...just doesn't happen around here. Yesterday however, I just couldn't function past two in the afternoon... the eyelids were heavy and the muscles were aching and the head was pounding. The sweet little dog was outdoors in her yard and the kitties were curled up for their afternoon nap in the sun as well. The house was quiet ....opportunity at last! OH those sweet little Tizanidine pills are good when the muscles are stiff head went down on the pillow and before I knew it...I had slept several hours. It felt so good and then a few short hours later, I returned to bed once again and I actually slept the whole night through! This morning I was thinking about Dorothy going through the poppy field and getting so sleepy and the witch saying to her through the crystal ball..."Sleep...My Pretty...Sleep".  Yes.. I know you think I am a nut ... that's OK.  I laugh at myself too. But I am so glad for sleep last night. Now maybe today I can actually function. This will be one of those days I will try to make it to town.. This will be one of those days people will see me and say..."You don't look sick to me!" Yeah... cuz they didn't see me the last two... Oh well... I don't really want to scare anyone by having them see me that way when I do feel that way... to my bedroom I flee!