Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fibro Feet

If you are like me then sometimes your feet are achy and tired and have muscle cramps. That is when I feel like~ this poor slow turtle...but eventually, I get moving and get done the essential things.  Some of the other things, just have to wait ... I guess they just weren't all that essential in the first place.  Learn to take it one day at a time and do what you can . When your feet ache too much, soak them or put them up and rest. Nothing super profound here, I know...but sometimes it's the simple solutions we overlook...speaking to "Self" once again! Oh, and if you have balance issues and tend to trip over everything in front of you, then stop being so stinkin' proud..and use the cane that you have in your car! If you trip over the curb getting out of your car and your cane is in your backseat, well....I guess it is your own fault...huh? Have a great day..hope your happy little "Fibro Feet" serve you well, even if they hurt and are mine!