Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fibro Flare

This is about what I have felt like for the last few days! Only I didn't have the luxury of laying around on a limb! I, of course had things to do, so as usual, pushed myself beyond exhaustion. You would think I would learn by now not to do that. I always pay for it when I do. I pay the piper with painful achy muscles and extreme fatigue; and then comes the headache, migraine, numb feet and whatever else decides to act up all at the same time....maybe throw in some chest pains..........good grief, no wonder the poor doctors don't know what to do with us Fibro patients! Anyway I guess the point I am trying to make to you is that you and I might actually be able to prevent some of these flares if we would really learn to pace ourselves and learn to pay attention when our body is saying slow down and quit pushing. You are not being have an illness and it does limit you in some ways from maybe doing everything that you were used to doing. Accept the things that you cannot change and make the most of the good days.