Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fibro Friends

I have already said that I have been sick for years with whatever this disease kids can attest to that... but recently was given the name attached to it as Fibromyalgia. Since my diagnosis though I am just overwhelmed with the amount of support of other Fibro Fighters that have literally just come out of the woodwork so to speak like a bunch of little termites!! O my gosh...I had no idea that there were so many people all over the world affected by this disease! When we all compare the symptoms that we have all been through and what we "Are" currently going through is absolutely no way that this is just a fluke of a disorder! The medical professionals need to get it together and find a cure! I am so thankful for my neurologist who actually has done research on this disease and believes in it, however she did not study in the U.S.! Anyway, my thoughts this morning are more toward my dear Fibro Friends!! I am so thankful for each of you!! Thanks for adding me as your Fibro Friend and for sharing info with me and I hope we can keep encouraging each other. It is so much easier to go through this when you know other people are dealing with it and can give some insight as to  how to deal with thanks to all of you.!