Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fibro Future

It's all in God's hands...only He knows what the future holds for me and for each of us Fibro Fighters who are dealing with the many aspects of this disease. I am finding out more and more each day there is so much more to it than I ever even thought existed. I went to the doctor again with new problems arising this week with chest pains and shortness of breath. I had a Spirometry test to measure lung function and didn't do too now am referred to yet another specialist... a Pulmonary Doctor since I may have a Pulmonary Obstruction. I came home thinking to myself...what now??? Can anything else go wrong in this body of mine???? I am so tired of being sick and tired of going to the doctor...tired of tests...tired of trying new meds....but I know that there has to be a reason ....if nothing else, maybe just because it is good for me to just to have to sit and rest, and reflect on God and His promises to me. I know He knows all about what I am going through and knows all about my body. If I didn't have to rest, I wouldn't have met so many sweet friends. If I didn't have to just rest, I wouldn't be doing what I love to do ...write....and I am finding that the more I write, the more I have to write about. This morning, as I woke up at 3:00 am, and not able to get back to sleep, my thoughts went once again to ..."Be Still and Know that I am God....."        Just rest....and trust that He knows, cares, and is with you!